About Us


Somali Women in Media (Somwim) is a non-profit organization whose work is to enhance the visibility of women in media and society, and promote their leadership and better decision-making. It also focuses on building the capacity of female journalists to understand women’s issues, and to cover their stories while changing the stereotypes towards women.

This organization was established in April 15, 2014 by a group of Somali women journalists known as Young Women Journalists (YWJ). Although we later rebranded to Somwim the scope has always been to improve the situation of female journalists in Somalia.

Media is a powerful tool for social change and agenda setting, it also enables communities to make informed choices. With that in mind Somwim uses the media to create positive perspectives while trying to be a solution to some of the issues affecting women. These platforms which include, broadcast, print, digital and social media will be vital avenues in empowering women and seeking public support to appreciate their roles as leaders, also to participate solving challenges faced by women


Promoting women participation in media and leadership, through awareness and influencing policies change for media houses to create equal rights and opportunities.

Somwim seeks to offer capacity building programs, workshops and focus group discussions to all female journalists with the aim of women taking proactive roles in making decision affecting their profession careers.


Somwim seeks to achieve an informed and gender responsive society in Somalia through Media through:

a. Enriching the knowledge and skills of women in media
b. Ensuring women enjoy favorable rights and conducive environments.


We believe that when women are empowered through capacity building, training workshops and focus group discussion, women can be better understanding their rights as journalists and give platform to voiceless women.

Somwim will be catalyst for policy change by identifying and facilitating new frontiers for achieving gender inclusive in media workspace.


We envision a future where everyone knows about human rights for female journalists, free from gender inequality. We want to help ensure that every individual, in particular women journalists, is assured of secure and dignified workspace.

This means to earn; right to education, right to good health, right to make decisions concerning their lives and right to live in peace.

Core Values

The values that underpin the operations of Somwim are:


Honesty & Integrity

Transparency and Accountability

Respect for Human rights


To work in collaboration with international partners/donors, local NGOs, local authorities, and women groups to improve the socio-economic well-being of the women in the media.

To pursue those activities which help to advance the cause of the organization networking with development and aid agencies working in the same field and also part of the process which expected to lead to interaction at all levels. This will lead to better coordination of activities and sharing experiences and knowledge.

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