Soma & Somwim Conducted Open Forum On Gender Inequality In The Media

SOMWIM – Members representing the Somali Media Association (SOMA) and Somali Women in the Media (SOMWIM) have jointly organized and conducted a forum on significant topic that needs to be discussed and addressed.

The Forum has been held at Guryosamo Mogadishu, Somalia on 12 August, 2020. Representatives from the media organizations, media directors and journalists were the key participants in the forum event.

It aimed to provide platform discussing the theme focusing on gender inequality and the challenges women in the media face. The other purpose of the debate was to find solutions for those issues affecting women in the media.

In the opening remarks, Deka Kasim, Secretary General of SOMWIM explained that women in the media are required to indicate their priority needs, the challenges women who could not raise their voices are experiencing and women in the media are lacking their rights.

“Only men could not be blamed for the challenges and women are also part of the criticism.” Deka Kasim added.
“The association consisting of more than 30 member media houses is prepared to take part in the efforts for dealing with the prevailing challenges.” Mohamed Abduwahab, Secretary General of SOMA said.

“We appreciate SOMA and SOMWIM for organizing ths Forum event, special praise for SOMWIM in making efforts up to the extent reaching stage of meeting with the Media Directors to debate on the rights for women.” Nafiso Hirsi Mohamud, Chairlady of Women Media Network said starting up the debate session.

“There is no woman with funding that have opened up media station and that is why women are underrepresented in the media management.” Nafiso Hirsi added

  • The participants’ deliberations at forum were-
  •  To support the development of women and cooperate in the effort
  • Women self-organizing will take major role in addressing the existing challenges
  • Women should unite to reach their goals
  • Media owners have no confidence in women and are preferring men, which reduces the number in position of responsibility
  • Most of the people working in the media are perceived uneducated
  • Some parents are not allowing their sons and daughters to become journalists, that reduced the number of people reaching high level in the profession
  • Most women do not prefer to work on program at night shifts
  • Two radio stations managed by women have been opened up in Mogadishu, and both are not operational now
  • The mangers should ease the challenges women are experiencing
  • Women journalists should have women role in the profession
  • We encourage women media organizations increase to seek their due rights

“People working in the media have nothing to do with the reduction of women in management position since the media owners has the choice.” Burhan Dini Farah, Director of Kulmiye News Network Radio argued.

A woman is my deputy director and my station is one the media station where most female journalists work. Burhan added.

Mohamed Abduwahab argued that there is no inequality particular in the private media but there is a natural tendency that girls are less prevalent in the public labor market and in the private sector. “There is no problem that prevents women from holding senior positions; however, there is a need to expose the shortcomings of women.” He argued.

He urged SOMWIM and the Media Women Network to explain why women are underrepresented in the media and at the same time there is the need to visit the media centers and find out what is going on.

The discussions suggested the organizations to work together to find out the solutions and overcome the obstacles. It was also recommended to make visit to the media stations to discuss what is missing and find out the challenges women are facing.

The challenges and concerns of women were highlighted, while the managers of the media outlets recognized most of them. It was expected to discuss in the next Forum some significant issues that have been resolved.

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